Sunday, October 22, 2006


Last week 10-16 to 1020, we were all spread out all over the place as all the Rotary Clubs of this zone wanted to participate and help with our team visit. Adrel and I were both in Crickhowell within walking distance of each other. The town reminded Mr of Lake City and my host were great Jeff and Sue Bull, Jeff was past president of his club and a great Rotarian. They gave up their room for me to stay in after I found that out I didn't sleep good for the rest of the week. They were great hosts and were closer to my age and I felt right at home with them. The local hotel, "The Bear" was old Stagecoach stop and their Pub and restaurant had a great rustic appeal to it. Jeff and Sue took me to Dinner there on Tuesday and we were joined by two of their good friends and it was another wonderful and special night for me. Wednesday, we went to the ropes course and the pictures will be up shortly. As we were getting started, I wish I had gone horseback riding. One of our first experiences were going over three rope bridges across a pit that was about 15 yards wide. I did the first one okay but I was very shaky. I opted out the 3rd as I was afraid if I fell off I wouldn't be able to pull myself up. The last one was a rope swing bride and it was supposed to be the easiest one. I put my left foot first and I couldn't for the life of me put my right foot in front of me. I had to asked, Nia our coach to help me across which she did. I did come back the rest of the way by myself which was the boost in my confidence to then to enjoy the rest of my day at the center!!!!
In the group pictures at Aggraveny I was not in them as I spent the afternoon with President Allan of the Crickhowell RC. He took me to another neat pub where he knew the owner personally and we had a great lunch with his brother in law Mike and his good friend, Graham. Mike was a NFL fan and Graham had spent time in NC so we had a great time talking about things back home. I am having a great time but I am beginning to miss home especially Millie, Hillary and Ketchup!!!!
We then had a great RC meeting at The Hill in Aggraveny with all the Rotary Clubs in the area. The team did great with our presentation and we were actually asked questions by this group.

Thursday evening, Adrel and I both went to the Crickhowell RC where we were warmly received. They had a special session of the Rotary Club's officers and committee chairman so we were left with the remaining Rotarians and we had great conversations with them learning about us and we about them. Friday the 20th, we head off to Cardiff for a for weekend. It is coming at the right time as we all are very tired from the pace and the driving. The adrenaline is still flowing which helps as we keep seeing and doing wonderful things and enjoying the great hospitality of the Rotarians of District 1150. We thank you all for showing us the time of our lives!!!!! Rick


Anonymous Anonymous said...


3 weeks down & 2 to go! Can you believe it? Just from reading all your posts it feels like y'all have been there for months. I have heard so many extremely positive comments from Rotarians that are following your adventures via this Blog. They may not post comments, but they are watching.

Keep up the good work, get some rest & get well soon.

8:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe y'all only have 2 more weeks to go. Interviews for Australia are on November 4th and Cayce and I will be ready I know. Keep the adventures coming and I look forward to reading them all

9:14 PM  

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