Friday, October 06, 2006

GSE Wales Team-7770

Friday events are going well with breaks in the rain for beautiful sunshine and vistas from the cliffs overlooking Mumbles. We went to visit the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institute) boat house this morning and then after coffee at Castellemare we went on to the Coast Guard Station for a tour. It was great to see their maps and grids similar to ours for mass casualties and diaster preparedness in a planning area. We asked lots of questions about the way they handle their operations especially in the light of being from an area that also has tides-though not as rapid/large, and many waterways. Then after a Posh lunch I was taken to the Morriston Accident and Emergency Department for a tour and lots of information exchange. It is equal to our MUSC in its capacity and patient levels. The best part was that I was shown around by the Department Director, Anne Nightingale. Her grandmother's name was Florence, no I am not "Winding you up." The rest of the group enjoyed a tour of the Swansea Magistrate Court Building and seeing a criminal put away for seven months. The visit was very informative and Adrel says the group learned a great deal about the Welsh Justice System. Adrel and I are getting ready to go out with Don and Dorothy for dinner so I will close.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear miss Adrel,
It is very exciting here! Did you know that I have braces again? My dad and I might be carving a pumpkin today. Last year we bought a knife for carving a jackolantern.
It was terrible!This year we got a new thng.It is called a Dremel.If you have never seen one you might think it is kind of weird,but it is not. A Dremel is very cool! I think my dad and I are going to decorate his house this Holloween. Your boyfreind told me to tell you this.He wanted to let you know that part of the walls on the barn are put up.It is very wet at the farm. We both miss you.We hope you are having a great time there!Oh.We also love the pictures you sent us.I miss you. Love Taylor.

9:46 PM  

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