Friday, October 06, 2006

Richard's post

Hi. I've been taken to task for not posting yet, but its seems that most of our daily routine has already been explained by the time I get to the computer. As you can see from Betsy's photo at Kidwelly Castle the weather has turned wet after three beautifully clear days. In this part of Wales they say 'if you can't see Devon (across the Bristol Channel) it is raining, if you can then it's about to rain. We learned that yesterday. Below is a photo of church near Kidwelly. I visited there yesterday afternoon with Mark Stephens, an architect from Kidwelly. We had a great time even though it was windy and raining heavily. Notice the rain drop on the lens. We're getting ready to head out the door to the Mumbles Coast Guard station. Of course, as I write this post I'm looking out the window and the blue skies are returning.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The church looks like a fabulous place to visit, even in the rain. Thanks for posting the picture and a bit about your day.

4:13 PM  

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