Sunday, October 08, 2006

Aberystwyth and the ABC's

Today has been yet another busy and exciting day! After visiting beautiful gardens this morning at Aberglasney the group was split up and paired with their second host families. (It was hard to say goodbye to our first host families!)

We're staying in Aberystwyth which is a small town overlooking Cardigan Bay. My host is Richard Griffiths, which as luck would have it.....he owns a hotel. My hotel room is overlooking the bay - now I understand where the term 'bay window' was derived from. It's a great location and a cute town. Here I am standing on the promenade along the bay.

Directly behind my head is the hotel where I'm staying.
Shortly after I arrived I took a walk along the promenade with Gwenda, Richard's sister and a Rotarian that met us earlier in the week. She was nice enough to give me a tour of the town.

The ABC's of Wales

Soon after we arrived our team was told about the ABC's of Wales. It was a phrase coined by a previous GSE team that visited Wales that had seen one castle too many......

Another Bloody Castle!

Everywhere we go, we're asked if the ABC's of Wales has gotten to us yet. The funny thing is that we've been here a full week and we've only officially been to one castle (although we've driven by quite a few.) I think everyone is worried that we'll see too many, so they're holding back.

At any rate, here I am standing before a random castle in the town of Aberystwyth. I'll go ahead and add that to the list of my ABC's.... By the way, the C can also stand for Church, Cemetary or possibly even Cow.......

That's all for now. Gwenda just brought me a glass of wine.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


I too am having a glass of wine!!! Except I do not have the same beautiful view of a bay like you. Your photos and comments are wonderful; I almost feel like I'm there. Thanks, and good luck on your 2'nd week.


11:18 PM  

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