Sunday, October 08, 2006

A day on the run......

Trekking through Wales......

Carreg Cennen - the castle off in the distance (look real closely.)

A short break after touring the Wales National Botanical Gardens. (Home to the same Middleton family that built Middleton Plantation in Charleston, S.C.) Notice the proper grammatical usage of the periods after the 'S' and 'C'

Time to go to bed.
Tomorrow we're headed to our second host families. It will be hard to beat the hospitality of our first families!!

-Betsy and Mariah


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Notice the proper grammatical usage of the periods after the 'S' and 'C'."

I got a good laugh when I read this and thought back to the whole discussion on putting the periods in or not. Thanks for updating so regularly. I am enjoying following your trip.

9:51 PM  

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