Thursday, November 02, 2006

Charter Night- Cardiff RC

Last night, I was invited to the 89th Anniversary of the Cardiff RC. Tony Williams, the current president is Adrel's host this week and Brian Bird, is Richard's and my host this week is the incoming president. The team had the night off so I was the only GSE representative. I was at the head table in between, Jo, Brian's lovely wife and the Her Majesty's Lord Lieutentant Norman Lloyd-Edwards. Each County in the UK has as a Lord Lieutentant who represents the Queen at events like these for her. His life revolves around all kinds of events like these as well as he's in charge of the Queen's visit when she does come to Cardiff. He was delightful and quite entertaining and you could easily see why he was chosen for this duty. He can hold the position until he age 70. It was a fun evening as the women were in their Tuxedos and the women were stylishly dressed.

David Morgan, former RIBI president, RI Director and RI Treasurer was the keynote speaker.
You can tell he knows the Rotary way as his talk was short and sweet and right on target for his audience. He praised the club on its achievements of the past but challenged to continue being the club that has led the way for the previous 89 years. He reminded us of a story he heard while in the US about a Rotarian who contributed nothing to Rotary or his club except his dues. He was asked to transport a child to the hospital and relunctantly accepted the responsibility. By the time the story was completed this Rotarian understood what it meant to be a Rotarian and what kind of services he can provide no matter how small the task. It was a story all Rotarians need to hear from time to time.

David has worked with our PDG David Micheaux and he sends his greetings to you David.

It was a perfect ending to another great day in Wales. It is hard to believe we will be heading home in few days. Even though I hate to leave, I can't wait to come home to my beautiful wife Millie and my family!!! See everybody real soon !!!! Rick
Tony and Ann Williams, Rick, and Brian and Jo Bird
in Brian & Jo's living room before we head out.

Captain Norman Lloyd-Edwards and Rick


Anonymous Anonymous said...


What a great story...I know that you will be glad to get home. Rotary hasn't been the same without you. Have fun for the remainder of your trip and look forward to your return to the club next Friday. Can't wait to read next week's Spokesman as you retake the editor position..Be safe and continue to watch after Adrel!

4:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be sure to keep the posts coming on the blog - we want to hear about the extended week of travel for Betsy and Richard and the homecomings for everyone! More pictures too :> Thanks - hope everyone arrives back to SC safely!

1:40 AM  

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